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Australian Institute of International Affairs - Western Australia

Pop up event in the CBD- Developments in Latin America: an Australian perspective

Mon, 15 May 2017
17:30 - 19:00

We hope that this event will be the first of many in this new format for the CBD.

We have sold the maximum number of tickets for this venue, and bookings for this event are now closed. We value your support and hope to see you at future events in the CBD and at our regular monthly events at St Catherine's college in Crawley.

Thank you for your support.

Panel discussion with Australia’s Ambassadors to Brazil,Mexico, and Argentina

Brazil and Mexico are the largest economies in Latin America.

Brazil is one of our major investment partners, with Australian investment in Brazil reaching $11 billion and over 100 Australian companies operating there.  It is also our largest source of international students outside Asia and a significant market for tourism to Australia. 

The partnership between Australia and Mexico is strong and growing. Both countries work closely together in multilateral forums such as APEC, the G20, and MIKTA. The stock of Australian investment in Mexico increased twenty-five fold between 2009 and 2014 to $5.3 billion.

Join AIIA WA in the city for a panel discussion with Australia's ambassadors to three of these important states and emerging markets in Latin America.

Please note: This venue for this event is very small and numbers are strictly limited.  Bookings are essential.

About the Speakers:

Australia’s Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil is Mr John Richardson.

He has previously served as Australia’s Ambassador to Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay (2008 - 2011), and as Deputy Head of Mission in Bonn, Berlin and Bangkok where he was also Permanent Representative to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.

Prior to taking up his current appointment, Mr Richardson was State Director, Victoria, for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He has held a wide range of Canberra-based positions including as Assistant Secretary responsible for Canada and Latin America; Diplomatic Security; North-East Asia; and Trade Strategy.

Mr Richardson has studied Japanese, German, Spanish and Portuguese.

Australia’s Ambassador to Mexico is Dr David Engel.

He a senior career officer with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Until recently, he was Minister and Deputy Head of Mission at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, where he had earlier served as First Secretary. He has also served as Counsellor at the Australian Embassy in Washington.

In Canberra, Dr Engel has served as Assistant Secretary of DFAT’s Policy Planning Branch and Assistant Secretary of the Global Issues Branch. He previously served in the Office of National Assessments as Assistant Director-General for Southeast Asia.

Dr Engel holds a PhD from the University of Edinburgh and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from the University of New South Wales. He speaks Spanish and Indonesian.

Australia's Ambassador to Argentina is Mr Noel D. Campbell.

Mr Campbell is Australian Ambassador to Argentina with concurrent accreditation to Paraguay and Uruguay – a position he has held since December 2014. 

Prior to this he was Assistant Secretary, International Organisations Branch, in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He has also served as Official Secretary to the Governor of New South Wales (2009-2012) and as Australian Ambassador to Spain (2006-2009), the United Arab Emirates (2002-2005) and the former Yugoslavia (1994-1997).

From 1998 to 2002 he was Chef de Cabinet to the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency. In this capacity he advised the Director General on a range of international political, legal and strategic issues relevant to the mandate of the Agency.

He graduated from the Australian National University with a B.A. in Political Science in 1972 and an LL.B (Hons) in 1974. He subsequently received an M.A. in International Relations from the University of Oklahoma. 

Ticket Type Price
AIIA WA Member Ticket $5.00 Sold out
AIIA WA Non Member ticket $15.00 Sold out
AIIA WA Partner Member Ticket Two tickets at member prices $5.00 Sold out
AIIA WA Partner Member Ticket Two tickets at member prices $5.00 Sold out
Corporate Member Ticket Up to five tickets at member prices $5.00 Sold out
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